For ecstatic dance to evolve, deepen and become more energetically attuned.
For tantra to be more embodied, activated and playful.
You intuitively know something incredible is possible when embodied movers come together with full permission to express, connect, and share their magic.

PERMISSION - To be the fullest expression of yourself - including your sensual and erotic nature - however that looks.
SAFETY - Boundaries, consent and sovereign self-responsibility are essential to navigating safe space together.
DEPTH - Our focus is on attunement, awareness, right relationship and depth. We are here to meet with love any shadow and discomfort that may arise.
ECSTASY - Unleash your ecstatic life force like never before.
Photo Credit: Kathena Maria - Unfolding Poetry
*Contact Improv*
*Consent & Boundaries*
*Transformational dance*
*Erotic Ritual*
About Dance Meets Tantra
The beautiful lovechild of conscious dance, tantra, contact improvisation and kink. Dance Meets Tantra is the attuned, permissionful space you’ve been waiting for to truly dance your prayers. It is an ecstatic technology for the purpose of awakening humans to their freedom, love, and purpose.
This is a space not only to express and connect, but to broaden and deepen your skills and capacity across tantra, sacred sensuality and the movement arts. This is your opportunity to strip yourself bare, leave behind everything that no longer serves, and to step into the most powerful and loving version of you.
Now is the time ;)
Danny Balgooyen
Danny is a breathworker, conscious dance dj, dance facilitator and connection creator. He devotes himself to creating safe inspiring experiences that invite deeper and more authentic expressions of ourselves. He is inspired to show up with his greatest gifts by offering deep presence, safety and meeting in the depths of authentic emotion. He has been deeply committed to building and deepening community in Boulder, Co
Spencer Jacobson
Spencer is a facilitator, DJ, and creative entrepreneur with a passion for the art of gathering humans to play, love, and heal. He is forever a student of the embodiment healing arts - having extensively studied dance, sacred sexuality, somatic experiencing, cranial sacral therapy, and yoga. Spencer is committed to bringing presence, play and possibility to every moment, while walking into the unknown. www.spencerjacobson.com
Atilla Cidam
Atilla is a transformational leader with a mission to empower you to embody your most vibrant, authentic self without excuses or limits. With his training in tantra, conscious kink, Erotic Blueprints, sacred medicine, dance, and shadow-work, Atilla helps reprogram nervous systems to allow and embody the full range of ecstatic pleasure in all aspects of life. He has a background in psychological research with a PhD in social psychology, and has spent the last decade designing large scale social programs that empower millions to lead fully aligned lives. Atilla plays in the deep contrast of polarities. Dancing with full expressions of the masculine & the feminine, primal fierceness & tenderness, pleasure & pain, work & play, science & intuition, he helps his clients fully manifest & integrate the opposites. Atilla is here to show up for the fullest expression of who you really are.
Briana Cribeyer
Briana is a sacred sexuality practitioner, who is enlivened by creating unique spaces for connection and self-awareness. She has extensively studied emotional intelligence, trauma-informed care, and leadership development. A facilitator with numerous organizations worldwide, including The International School of Temple Arts, she brings empathy and deep listening, as well as tough, playful love. An intimacy + relationship guide for couples and individuals, Briana is passionate about supporting people to find equanimity in all relationship styles. To stay connected, www.brianacribeyer.com